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It was time to have my propeller serviced back in 2020. I contacted H&S Props and they were able to do it. However, COVID was underway and they were very short handed. I didn't want to take the prop over and have it sit there for six months, so I asked them to give me a call when things look better. I never got the call.

I started my condition inspection (2022) and noticed one of the blades had the smallest amount of play. It was time to check back with H&S. They were able to get me in right away.

I took the prop over and had them remove the blades. They really didn't want to refinish them as they don't work on composite blades often. No problem, I'll do it. I have the paint sanded off and the first coat of primer is on. The blades are all within two ounces of each other. We will shoot some extra primer on the blades to get them close. We'll see if we can get them all within a gram of each other.

I'm changing the paint scheme to match the rest of the plane.

10/27/2022   Picture 2809

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